The truck that bears Kathy's name, but she has no complaints! |
Have you ever wondered what Kathy's Komplaint truly is? Is she tired of the noise and the expense of the hobby her husband and son compete in? Does she wish that her entire summer was not filled with traveling across the country? Does she wish she had more time at home to work in the garden or follow the local news? The answer to all of the previously mentioned questions is plain and simply, No. She doesn't truly have a complaint, as she loves pulling and can think of nothing else she would rather do with her summer. She loves pulling so much that she hates it when fall arrives, since she knows it means the end of another year with her family on the road. The combination of the noise, the travel and spending time with her family puts pulling at the forefront of her mind. As the team continues to see success, Kathy understands they can't rest on their previous achievements but must do what they can to stay ahead of their tough competition. "We go out each night to do the best we can and if we win that is wonderful, but if we don't then it's our goal to get back to work to shoot for it the next time" stated Kathy.
The Petro Family has been a staple on the national pulling scene for the last three decades, but it started even before then. Randy Petro was known for his prowess in the modified four wheel drive category but also because he had a truck that was convertible. The rear axles could slide back and Randy would often enter the Super Modified Four Wheel Drive class as well. As a resident motorhead, Kathy enjoyed going to pulls and the dirt late model races, so when she met Randy it was a perfect match. "Randy was a puller before I came along and it just seemed right. That is what we would do. Over the years we have continued to support the pulling community not just in our local area but on the Grand National and Regional Circuit as well" stated Kathy. That support is evident as the family competes quite often, but it isn't just on the Grand National Circuit that they showcase their prowess. They are not afraid to roll into a small brush pull in a neighboring state of their home in Ohio.
Where it all began for Jessie Petro! |
As Kathy and Randy began their family, it seemed only fitting that Randy would have a little boy to join the team. In the nineties when Randy was running two two wheel drive trucks and his Modified/Unlimited, it was just natural that Jessie would assume driving duties of one of the two wheel drive trucks. Jessie had helped in the shop and really learned a lot from his childhood nights in the shop next to his mom and dad. Together the three of them form a triangle of knowledge and enthusiasm that makes them one of the most dominant forces in the game, however only Randy and Jessie will handle the driving duties. As Kathy reflects on her desire to drive one day, she stumbles to get past the idea of replacing the first and second string in order to bring the third string driver to the competition. So instead of driving, Kathy takes great pride in finding her way to the track to video tape. Video taping has become such an important feature in the sport as each competitor wants to watch and learn from the footage of each previous pull.
Understand that Kathy Petro is involved with the team; she is another set of hands who is capable of turning wrenches for her guys when they are working hard on one of the four two wheel drive trucks that they campaign. "Randy and Jessie are well oiled machines when it comes to the shop, so I do my best not to disrupt the flow of production" added Kathy. On a recurring basis, Kathy's tasks include helping to pull pistons and put them in their specific order on the rack that Jessie and Randy have designed. If they need her to disassemble one of the Minor Brother's Racing engines that they lean so hard on, she is willing to get her hands dirty to ensure the guys can keep working on other jobs, however when it comes to assembly, Kathy opts to let the guys focus on that aspect.
In the Petro household there has often been a discussion about who the driving force behind the team is and with a quick conversation with Kathy it quickly becomes apparent. "My dad and I always joke that mom likes to go pulling more than we do. She is there to support us in every facet; she does the things that are just as vital for us to get down the track but aren't recognized by the fans in the stands. We truly couldn't ask for a more supportive person for what we do" commented Jessie Petro. For her part, Kathy couldn't be more proud of what her guys have been able to achieve with their team over their lifetime within the sport.
Jessie, Joey, Kathy, and Randy at Tomah! |
Outside of the sport, Kathy Petro works hard to keep the family business in line in addition to Petro Motorsports. Kathy is the secretary and works hard to make sure all of the bills are paid in a timely fashion. On the motorsports side she serves as the secretary as well since she takes a weekly inventory of the trailer and works hard to restock it with essentials before each pull. As the points races heat up, the guys have to look no further than Kathy's trusty notebook which contains a breakdown of the points on the Grand National circuit. It is maintained by Kathy and her nephew Joey Frasur.
Kathy Petro is a loving wife, a supportive mother, and a respected statistician, but most of all she is a diehard pulling fan who lends her observant eye and expertise to her guys from Camden, Ohio!
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