So here's the truth. For nearly twelve years Miles Beyond 300 was a labor of love. I focused on it weekly, spent hours gathering information for articles in the evening hours after my kids were asleep, with the hope of being able to post fun content for the sport of Truck and Tractor Pulling.
In an effort to protect my site, I had been paying for site protection from hackers and unfortunately the security levels that I had put in place simply weren't enough. My website was hacked and infiltrated with a bunch of X-Rated photos.
I called the site security company, and they charged me about $1500 to restore the site. Sadly, they couldn't, and I lost all of my archives. The archives from where Miles Beyond 300's official website launched in 2012, until 2022 were gone. I still had the initial blogger account, which was created in 2010. The blogger account is truly where everything got started. The Women on Wednesday series, the idea for Rusty Gears, and some of my favorite articles were published on the Blogger site.
So for the relaunch, we are back with the Blogger site and are ready to build Miles Beyond 300 back up to where it was a few years ago. The hope is to have a different site constructed that will be up to speed with the modern trends of the world, but for now we will utilize this account as a mechanism of sharing the sport and our story. As today is my mother's birthday 2/9, it is hard to imagine that she was a Women on Wednesday feature more than a decade ago. (Miss her everyday)
Thanks for your support over the years and here's to many more. Thanks to the sponsors that are helping power this recharge of the website and get me back on the right path.

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